getting ready

So i have gone through a lot of craziness about Norway. emotionally i mean. excitement. stress. terror. sadness. anxiousness. joy. but for the past month i have been terrified. I am scared to death about leaving my love, Tomas, behind. Fears of feel so so so alone. fears of teachers being annoyed that i don't know Norwegian. Fears that some of the kids are gonna dislike me because i am American. Basically, i am afraid of the first 3 months. But, i am starting to get better. I have been encouraged by many friends that have helped me deal with some of my fears. I think what i really need to do is pray.

I do know people in Norway, and a family right near my school. But i need to pray that the Lord will give me friends there BEFORE i even go there! or kindred spirits that i will be able to befriend easily. especially my room mate!! i really need to pray away these fears and have faith in the LORD that He will help me through it all. I have seriously considered canceling the trip because i am SO SCARED! But fear is not a good reason. I am pretty darn confident that going to Norway is what the LORD wants me to do. Mr. Buttface Satan is trying to scare me away from it!!! man, that means i MUST go! if Satan does not want me to do it, that means GOOD will come out of it.

i need focus and prayer in my life. i need a support group here to prepare me for Norway, but i don't know who to turn to. Please! if you feel like you would be willing to help me prepare spiritually for this trip to Norway, tell me!! cuz i really have no clue who to ask.


Makin the monies

Saving up for Norway is pretty hard with no job. i have been selling knitted/crochetededed things and i have made a decent amount of money off of that. Plus babysitting. But babysitting is ending soon. lame. So i need to figure out more ways to keep making money. I have thought about doing a support letter and stuff. i just added myself into the database of some research/survey place that pays for research stuff. unfortunately, that is not too often, if ever. so here is the idea:

get sponsored. i heard a story from a friend that she knew some kid that was doing a study abroad program and he contacted apple and said Hey apple. i will wear apple t-shirts and promote apple stuff while in this other country if you sponsor me and help me pay. apparently apple paid for his whole trip. i do not know if this is 100% true or how he went about it. I called up the other day to figure out how apple goes about sponsoring people. the operator lady gave me the e-mail address of the sponsor person, but she only said it once and i don't know if i got it all down right. plus i don't know what to write. SO! if anyone has info on this, please do tell!!

oh i got an e-mail from hedmarktoppen today. i don't know what it says yet. =P yay.

well then.