I'm Here!

Well i am here in Norway and all moved into Hedmarktoppen. It is hard not knowing the language. I feel very left out of conversations, and i think a lot of people are scared of me. Just as i am scared of them. Hamar is beautiful, and the view from Toppen is just wonderful. People are kind to me, though i feel my american-ness and the speaking english annoys them. who knows. i say a lot of awkward things. My mom left today, and it was very hard, it made me cry. A lot of my time here has been spent fighting back tears. It is very hard being far from home, not knowing the language, and having terrible jet lag. or whatever that is called. But the Lord is good and he will have grace on me. Prayer is much appreciated, as is notes of love. I am on skype when i can, booannej, and checking my e-mail often, boojohnston@gmail.com.

The first week shall be hard. i hope it will get better. Maybe once actual classes start. Love!


4 days in counting

So i leave for Norway on Thursday. It's kinda crazy. I am actually going. Life has been crazy. I had my going away party (THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CAME!) and I have been hanging out with friends while I still can. I still have to pack, that's what I plan on doing all Wednesday. I am spending every evening with Tom, which I am sure is making him quiet tired. But this time I don't care. Muahahaha! =D So yeah, leaving soon. I plan on updating you all (all meaning either people who actually read this or the empty space of the internet) at least once a week while I am away. Hopefully I will have good stories to share about adventures and how the Lord is working in my life.

So in these for days before I go, I have a few prayer requests.
1. that the Lord would prepare my heart and that I would be strong leaving my friends and family and (hardest of all) my boyfriend, Tomas.
2. that Norwegian would come easily for me.
3. for safe travel.
4. that the Lord would provide people in Norway that can be a support system for me right away. (also that Tom would have the same thing.)

Thank you for your prayers/good vibes (as I know not all my friends believe what I believe). Sorry that I cannot hang out with every single person before I go. You shall be missed!

Skype!! My name on skype is booannej
find me. add me. we shall talk (if we can)